A Look that Healed

‘Fourth rejection…hmm!’ murmured Eli as she folded the letter from the employer she had interviewed with last. It wasn’t fair Eli knew it but what could she do?

She needed a job, a good job, for she had a toddler to take care of.  After her separation with Tod life had been all about making ends meet, day after day, everyday!

‘I can’t give up!’ she reminded herself. The divorce and rejections had made her bitter. ‘How much can a person take?’ she often thought.

But one look at her baby and she felt her heart begin to heal.


Linking this to Write Tribe’s 100 Words on Saturday.


54 thoughts on “A Look that Healed”

  1. I can totally relate to that last line. Howoften have I felt frustrated and just looked at Gy to feel better. Lovely work, Naba 🙂

  2. Children heal your heart in not one but many many ways. They are love in the purest form. Lovely take on the prompt Naba 🙂

  3. Babies sure do melt your heart. Mine's 4 months old now. 🙂


    Do drop by mine.

  4. Naba, an everyday ritual in my life is to look at my little P and remind myself how blessed I'm. A child's love is the purest form of love, and can never be replaced. Your narration moves the heart. I'm swept off my feet 🙂

  5. Oh yes, children have that effect on you… make you stay strong, brave the toughest challenges with a smile 🙂

  6. That was a heartwarming story… The best things in life are free – and this is a good reminder – that feeling when a baby smiles at you. *melts* … of course I also loved the name of your brave heroine:-) Gotta go her way at last:-)

  7. You know, its a very difficult thing to understand, but everything happens for the better. You've just gotta change the way you're looking at it.

  8. Now I'm not surprised with that coming from the doting mom I know 🙂

    Thanks for reading!

  9. Yes, it does but it's so hard to look past no? But that's where a child or someone we love comes in and helps us cross the bridge..Thanks for dropping by 🙂

  10. Beautiful story! Its true that a mother can face the toughest situation looking at her kid!

  11. I know ! I wish I feel the same way when I become a mom…Thanks for dropping by Ratna 🙂

  12. This reminds me of the celebrated poem-"Home they brought her warrior dead" by AlfredLord Tennyson .What ever the people tried, the young widow would not cry. Finally,,,
    " rose a nurse of ninety years
    set his child upon her knee
    like sweet tempest came her tears
    sweet my chid,I live for thee "

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