A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal – A Tales Buffet!

When I read about the A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal in Vidya’s blog, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to come up with a theme at all. Honestly, a lot has been going on since then and I haven’t really had the time to think about the theme for the Challenge.

Another hurdle, well at-least in my book, was the change of scene for me. I have always found writing from my home in Bangalore really easy with ideas flowing, sometimes too many at a time. But ever since I got to Dusseldorf for a few months, I just can’t find the same flair to write. And honestly that’s the reason why I’m worried if I can at all complete the challenge or not. Or, even worse what if I complete with a bunch of awful posts! Well your guess is as good as mine!

Source: http://writerlysam.com/

So coming to the theme, well here it is.

A Tales Buffet!

As part of the Challenge I’m going to write short fiction with one or more emotions beginning with the alphabet of the day as the central idea for the post.

Why should you read them?

Well think about it as a buffet spread with 26 dishes, all there for you to devour! 

From a five or seven sentence fiction to a 55er to a yarn with 500 words or something entirely different, there will be all for you to enjoy.

Now does it appeal to you? I sincerely hope it does!

But wait I have a back up plan too. Yes, you heard, or rather read, me right! 

And it’s called A la carte to the rescue!

If I get affected by the drought that writer’s block is instead of giving up I’ll just fall back to my back up, an assortment of posts on random topics. That would be like a palette of exotic dishes from around the world. At-least that’s the back up plan! Better to keep going then give up right?

And that’s not all my friends, apart from these 26 posts for #A2ZChallenge, I’m also taking part in the Ultimate Blogging Challenge #BlogBoost. Yes, a challenge to blog for 30 continuous days.


So will you drop by and support me? I certainly hope you do for I need the pat on the back or for that matter even criticism to complete these challenges.

And if you are taking part in either one of the challenges or both don’t forget to drop in your blog name and link in the comments section for I plan to feature all your blog links in my posts 🙂


95 thoughts on “A to Z Challenge Theme Reveal – A Tales Buffet!”

  1. Wow, 26 fiction posts 🙂 That's awesome. Initially I thought of doing fiction posts for all 26 days too but I had a fear of burning down too soon. All geared up for reading your wonderful posts Naba and yeah, Happy B'day girl 🙂

  2. Sounds really interesting and yumm Naba. I am sure you will sail through it Birthday girl. 🙂

  3. i ll pray that you would never have to rely on the backup plan during the challenge 🙂 Good luck with your emotions! get the bottle of ink now! ready to read. cheers

  4. yeah.. the backup plan is there for everyone.. and no one is going to make you stand out of the room for that.. 😀 all the best..

  5. Thanks Prasanna for the wishes 🙂

    I'm nervous too about fiction that's why have the back up plan 🙂

    All the best to you too!

  6. I love the idea of changing up the style of writing. Sometimes enough is said with just a few words. There is no way I could keep up with two blog hops. All the best for the #atozchallenge

  7. How very brave you are to be participating in 2 challenges. I love your theme and your back up theme. I wish you the best of luck and I look forward to reading your posts.

  8. You are truly indulging us! 26 dishes, I'll have to dig out those elastic-waisted pants from the bottom of the wardrobe! No, in all seriousness, I wish you all the best with your A to Z challenge. 🙂

  9. Thanks for the encouraging words Vidya 🙂 .. I don't know if its like a fairy tale but it sure is like those black and white old tales that we read… <3

  10. Sounds like an interesting month! Good luck with the challenge and I'm looking forward to your posts.

  11. Hi there! I came across your blog from the Blogging A to Z Website and I really like your blog! I'm a 'wanna be' writer and embracing my 40s as well as working my way through living and loving and keeping up the laughter with observations about life and all things in between. I'd love
    for you to check out my blog at http://sothisis40-really.blogspot.com.au
    Great writing and site!
    Regards, Jodie

  12. This is a great theme, Naba! I am sure you will be weaving some awesome tales. Look forward to reading them. All the very best!

  13. Think about it Nabanita, you could publish an ebook after 26 short fiction stories 🙂 Great idea, cheering for you!!! All the best for the challenge 🙂

  14. That happens with me too. Change of place does plug out of creativity, lets see how pune works 😀

    Looking forward to your tales 🙂


  15. An interesting buffet Nabanita. And I love the backup plan. You voiced my apprehensions about serving up awful posts in the compulsion of keeping the commitment.

  16. Don't worry Richa you are going to be fine! It's good that you are moving to Pune…there are more chances of meeting you now since my sister lives there 😀

  17. hmmm so what do i order here girl.oh i am having all. so looking forward dear all the very best. dxbnidblog

  18. Appealing theme! The backup idea is interesting too!

    I'm taking part in A-Z and UBC. My A-Z theme, ‘26 Positive Takes on Life’ will generally focus on positive, truly heart-warming, real-life incidents involving ordinary persons whom we can all emulate.

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