We humans are creatures always looking for acceptance of some kind, acknowledgement of some sort for our lives,for our beliefs,for every damn thing that we do.We may go on saying that I live my life according to my terms but we are always in some form or the other looking for validation of some sort from the people around us.So when someone says anything remotely demeaning to anything concerning us we tend to cocoon ourselves in a shell.So the same thing happened to me.
There are so many topics I would love to write on but then somewhere I feel a hesitation.Today’s piece is just an attempt to break free of that shackle.After all somebody told me that a writer’s own perspective and way of writing;however one track it may be;is what caters to the readers and what makes the writer unique.Again that was a endorsement I was looking for to come out of self imposed exile from blogging.
I remember being taught in school that Man is a social animal.Then it was just a sentence and meant nothing.As I grow up I seem to be learning different connotations of this line.How each person is interwoven into society in a unique way.Its like there is a wiring connecting every individual in some way or the other.We all look for some acceptance from peers,from family to feel good about ourselves,to feel important in life.
Facebook,for example,thrives on that very fact.Our innate desire of ratification in everything that we do.We may be in denial but that’s the truth my friend.We connect and share for the need of some sort of social sanction and that’s the way it has always been.All that aside,writing gives me immense pleasure.After being away from it for so long as I type I realize today what I have been missing.Well so here I am dear blog filling your pages again with a glint in my eyes as this piece draws to a conclusion,blatantly hoping for some sort of gratification once I hit the publish button.
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