Title: Love is a Thief
Written By: Claire Garber
About Claire Garber(From the book) –
Claire Garber was born in Southhampton, in 1978, the same year Olivia Newton-John told John Travolta he was the one she wanted and Space Invaders were launched.
Claire did nothing remotely of interest until aged twenty-six, when she visited the French Alps and fell in love with every single French man she met. That year she started writing obsessively about her thoughts and feelings, all of which seemed to revolve around love and French boys and heart break. Aged twenty-six-and-three-quarters, her friends urged her to do something more ‘constructive’ with her scribbles, which gave birth to the beginnings of several novels about boys, culminating in Love is a Thirf –a book she started writing aged thirty-one after her biggest heartbreak of all.
Claire has worked as a freelance winter-sports travel writer, a copywriter and in property, all as a means to fund her writing. More recently she planted some magic beans. She now lives between London and the French Alps.
ISBN: 978-9351062479
Cover Price: Rs. 299.00
Rating: 3.5/5
Something about the book (from the book’s cover):
Kate Winters might just be ‘that’ girl. You know the one. The girl who, for no particular reason, doesn’t get the guy, doesn’t have children, doesn’t get the romantic happy-ever-after. So she needs a plan.
What does she like doing? What didn’t she get to do because she fell in love? What would she be happy spending the rest of her life doing if love never showed up again?
This is one girl’s journey to take back what love stole*
Fresh, frank, witty and thought-provoking, this is for fans of good books, bad TV and long chats over wine.
*And maybe find love again along the way
Now for my View:
October hasn’t been too kind a month on my reading. Work and ofcourse holidays with family have kept me so busy that I haven’t been able to give time either to the books lined up for reviews or writing for that matter. But then I had to begin somewhere, didn’t I? So I chose Love is a Thief to end the stalemate!
Love is a Thief is written by Claire Garber and I can’t put a finger on the reason why but somewhere I feel it has been brought together with a lot of candour of emotions. I don’t know how to relate this better but I could feel Garber’s passion for her work in this book. And that’s a good thing right?
I wouldn’t say much about the premise of the book for it’s there in something about the book section already. It’s not something unique but yes the treatment is what I would like to write about. Also I don’t want to give out too much about the plot.
I can say this though that it certainly is a worthy read and full of moments which make you really nod in agreement. But Garber does it stealthily and before you even realise that you actually like the book you would be saying ‘Yes I know exactly what she means!’ And you also realise that yes love is indeed a thief.
In my world any book that makes you think or even gives you those moments where you can’t help but say ‘Yes, that’s right! I agree!’ is a great book. And trust me ‘Love is a Thief’ does that abundantly.
This book is truly a ride full of emotions. I won’t say the story and the characters are all that new but I like the way Garber put together the tale. And ofcourse the questions it made me ask. Where would I have been if not for this mischievous element called love? Yes, quite a relevant question I must say.
Ofcourse, I would have wanted the characters to have more dimensions. But writing a book is not a piece of cake and just for having written a story that made me ask some very relevant questions, I have to say it’s a good book.
I smiled while reading the book and I had those moments too when I just wanted Garberto get on with it. All in all, it’s a nice read. You can definitely spend some time exploring the world of Kate Winters through Garber’s pen!
Sounds interesting! I too agree that d books that make you nod in agreement or which make you ask some questions are worth a read.. would b taking it up for sure 🙂
Let me know if you like it as well 🙂