I had written this post on the occasion of Mother’s Day about 2 years ago. With it being around the corner again, I have added a few more mother’s day gift ideas from me to me, especially ones I can gift myself in a post-Covid-19 era. I mean the normal and usual mother’s day gift ideas won’t work this year, will they? Do read and tell me what you think.
Next Sunday is Mother’s Day and as always I’m sure there will again be the debate of celebrating mothers on just one day vs taking them for granted for the rest. A younger and impulsive me (who is still impulsive, mind you) would have probably babbled about the same. But you know what? I don’t mind singling out one day in a year to specially celebrate people and occasions. Because it serves as a kind of reminder, a much-needed one at times. Of course, that said, we shouldn’t forget mothers for the rest of the year. Though let’s admit that mothers are often taken for granted! Still, it’s mother’s day and now that I have been a mother for about 2 4 and a half years, I think I totally deserve one day when I don’t have to move an inch! One can only hope, what say?
Let's talk about a mom's mother's day gift list today. #MothersDay Share on X
In my 2 4 years as a parent, I have realized that being a mom teaches you a lot of things, the foremost being a deep appreciation of all that your own mother might have done for you and still continues to do. Trust me waking up at 6 am and not being able to go to bed until everything for the day is done gives you a whole different perspective on life. Well, more or less. Most importantly it makes you realize what a little brat you might have been to your mom at times. But I have also recognized that most mothers work unselfishly for their families. Non-stop. Often, giving up what they do and what they love. Self-care, something so basic, seems too alien a concept for most moms.
But things are changing. Moms these days are battling against time and loads of laundry to hold on to their own identities too. And I love that. I want to be that mom too. Somewhere I feel I’m that mom. It’s not easy but totally worth it, I’d say. So, this mother’s day rather than waiting for someone to give me something, I thought why not focus on myself, on what I can do for myself? Yes, I’m talking mother’s day gift ideas, people. Only I’m going to gift it to myself!
Self-care, something so basic, seems too alien a concept for most moms.
Therefore, here’s what I’m going to do for myself this mother’s day because I damn well deserve it. Of course, gifts from family & friends are welcome too!
A Mom's Mother's Day Gift Ideas. #Mothersday Share on X
A Mom’s Mother’s Day Gift List! Or, as I prefer to call it, Mom Self-Care 101!
The Pre-Covid-19 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
I’m going to take a few more days off from work, impromptu ones. A day off here and there to just spend it doing nothing because let’s face it as a mom my weekends aren’t that relaxing either.
Okay, this one might be more of a resolution after coming from a vacation from Goa where I happened to see so many moms like me, all well turned out and well-groomed. I think I need to gift myself some pampering sessions in the salon without compromising on everything else I love, of course. This time I’m going to not let go of this.
Nail Polish. Now you might find this silly but hear me out. There was a time when my nails would look good all the time, fresh paint every week, et al. More than anything it made me feel good. Now, of course, I just let them be which sadly is a reminder that I don’t really have that much time for myself now as I used to. It’s always along the lines of let’s do some other chore than focus on self-care. This needs to change. As frivolous as it sounds if we look good (not saying I want a makeover!), we feel good and I need to remember that.
More movie dates with the husband. From being a couple who watched so many movies in the theatres, we hardly get to watch any now. This needs to change. And since I’m the one who’s going to always pick the movie (of course!), I need to make sure we don’t slacken in this department.
I need to stop letting my maid and cook take me for a ride. Enough is enough. There are days when I feel I’m working for them and the stress, don’t even ask me about that! They need to know who’s the boss. And I’m going to make sure they do. Being Miss Goody-two-shoes not going to work no more.
Breakfast! This is something I tend to always forget. For a week or so, I’ll be this breakfast nazi, not letting myself skip this important meal of the day but suddenly I’ll turn into a breakfast fugitive who just doesn’t want anything to do with breakfast. So, the office canteen should be seeing more of me. At least, that’s the intention.
Well, that ought to do for now. What do you think? If I can manage to follow at least a few of these to a certain degree, I’m going to be a calmer mom than I usually am. And that in itself will be a win for this mom, won’t it?
Post Covid-10 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
I need to train myself to not care whether the dusting or the mopping is done or not. I need to take care of myself first and then the house. I cannot be a homemaker and a working mom at the same time. I do not need to be this superwoman. I don’t want to be a superwoman. I mean have you seen a man being a superman other than on screen? No, right?
I need to find comfort in the positives instead of dwelling on the negatives. There is too much bad news coming in from all around the world. I need to focus on the good stories instead. There is always light at the end of the tunnel no matter how bleak the future seems. History has told me this and I need to remember that.
Post Covid-10 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
I should stop fretting about my new project or this voice which keeps telling me that I’m not good enough. I just need to take one day at a time and give my best. All that matters is that I keep up my own vision of myself instead of trying to please someone else because the latter isn’t in my control anyway.
I should not forget the small things that make life pleasant. For example, I need to remember that if I take care of my body and my skin in the lockdown, it’s not wrong. I need to stop holding my breath and pretending that if I just close my eyes everything will be fine because this ride that we are in is for a long haul. I need to breathe or I’ll collapse. I cannot stop living. I have got to try to keep living and if that includes frivolities, so be it.
I know I hate cooking every day but I should try to not let it stress me out. It’s okay to make simple things every day. I’m no cook and I can’t spend hours in the kitchen. I mean there are still 24 hours in the day and I have office work to do.
I need to stop fretting about my sleep patterns because things will go back to normal when they actually are normal. Till then, I just need to do whatever works.
I need to find some Me Time in this chaos as impossible as it seems because otherwise, I’ll just become resentful and angry.
I need to ask for help. I cannot be the maid, the cook and the working woman while being a mother to a highly demanding 4-year-old all at the same time. I need to ask for help.
I need to watch movies or series that I would watch alone while having lunch at work because that was also a form of self-care. I need to spend time with myself as hard as it seems. And no mopping and cooking aren’t examples of Me Time!
Well, seems simple, right? Let’s hope I’m able to gift these to myself this mother’s day.
Happy Mother’s Day! And remember, take care of the moms every single day.

I loved this post. This is the exact philosophy I follow. I gift myself what I want especially self care. Really, do take time off from work. I remember when G and I both worked from home, we would take an impromptu afternoon off and go for a movie date or lunch date. It was so much fun. I need to restart that now especially since both of us are working so hard. You know, I was just seeing one of my new mom pics after giving birth to Sid and I had perfect nails with nail polish. Now I hardly ever put nail polish on my finger nails. One reason is I cook and they get discoloured (I know lame) and second is laziness. You are right, being lazy is not good. I have been skipping parlor too for some time now except basic threading. Once my knee gets better, I am going for a nice pampering session. Rest of the stuff from your list I do. Here’s to moms everywhere taking care of themselves.
I adored this post .I am gifting myself loads of books .A calmer mom I need to be too.
This is list all women need to bookmark. All the things you’ve listed out are what make one feel good. I hope you get to follow the list regularly. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!:)
Happy Mother’s Day Naba!
And I so wish that all your listed gifts are gifted well and received well by you. Go and splurge on it dear, for every mom needs it.
Yuu now have inspired me to have some of these gifts for myself from me.
Anagha Yatin (@anagha_yatin) recently posted…A Six Yard Fight Within
Perfect list there, Nabanita! Nothing frivolous, nothing silly. You need each of these gifts for yourself, for being you and for being the best mom around!
Wish you a happy Mother’s day!
Shilpa Gupte recently posted…5 ways your body changes after 40.
That is amazing, Naba. Mother or not, all women should read this post and do the things you mentioned. We deserve it! 🙂
Shalini recently posted…Pay a Compliment Today #FridayReflections
I love this thought, and it’s something that I follow regularly these days. The gift of self-care is indeed precious, and all moms must make it a priority!