But “NO SIR” life is made to wreck you and WRECK YOU it will.Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could switch between happiness and gloom at the press of a button like we change channels when we don’t quite like the program on air?Couldn’t we have reruns of the best times in our lives just like we watch reruns after reruns of FRIENDS? Life is like a stupid axiom which has to be swallowed like a bitter pill with no option what so ever. What wouldn’t one give to go back to the times when worry meant homework and heart break meant no ice-cream after dinner?Why does life go from bad to worse from simple to complex? Why do people go from good to bad;from being best of friends to total strangers? So many questions and hardly any answers?What is this thing called “LIFE”? Million Dollar Question..isn’t it?Wonder if anyone ever figures out how to lead this life without losing oneself and without losing one’s sanity. So much chaos around us.All NOISE and no SOUND.I don’t care about anything all I care is to get back those careless days where I didn’t have to save up for a home which GOD knows when I would enjoy.I want the time when waking up early was the only fear in my heart.I want the life where my world was made up of Charles Dickens’ Books and Nancy Drew’s heroics.I want the time when I could dream of a magical life.I want the life which I can only catch a glimpse of after a tequila or two and reject the painful reality.
Rejecting Reality….
One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor…… 3 shots of tequila and the world seems surreal.All worries and troubles seem washed down the throat with a pinch of salt n some lime. How fun would it be if taking a shot of tequila at the surge of any problem would wash the malicious piece of crap, waiting to screw us, just down the drains.
perfect reflection of my thoughts now…. and i loved all your short stories… would nt it be better if you have a short story tab/menu or category in your blog?