Sponsored Video : Our Better World

Overwhelming, isn’t it? What did you think?

It gives me goosebumps that so many people need help and support out there but we live in our cocoons and choose to ignore the reality of the world. We may not be able to leave our lives behind to help each and every one out there but we can atleast contribute in any way we can. Monetary contribution is something that comes to my mind in our own capacity.

I like what ‘Our Better World’ is doing. Maybe we can help them help others? I like that they are bringing us stories about people who are blind but still manage to do incredible things or about the single mothers who have found a support system in non-profit organisations. They bring us tales of people who go the extra mile to help others. They inspire change!

Did you know in Cambodia single mothers are forced to sell their babies for the lack of options? Is this what our world has come to? I knew that the problem exists there for I had seen a documentary on the subject. Infact, why only there I know it happens in India too. But there are those people too thankfully who uproot their lives to help others. I’m not saying we all have to do that. However we can surely contribute in our own way. After all, they must need funds to help people right?

Not being able to see is a scary thought, isn’t it? I don’t think we can even walk around our very own house blindfolded without bumping into one thing or the other. But there are organisations who help these people live with courage and conviction. Imagine playing tennis by hearing the ball? Or, sometimes running a marathon, cycling or even swimming without having the luxury of sight. And then going on to tell their story with a smile. If these people and those who help them don’t deserve our attention then who does?

I want this post to be about those who help bring their stories to the world, ‘Our Better World’. If not anything else then perhaps this post will serve as a reminder to a few that human life means nothing unless we choose to lend a helping hand.

I know the world is not ideal. It’s just an Utopian notion, a dream really, that everyone would live together helping each other. But in-spite of that it’s not too hard to help. Even if we are extremely busy in our lives there are ways and means in which we can do a lot. We can actually make our world a better place. ‘Our Better World’ sounds good to hear, doesn’t it? It doesn’t have to be the best. We can just try and get to being better first.

I remember reading a quote in my Moral Science book back in school which said ‘Trifles make perfection and perfection is no trifle’. For some reason this has stayed with me ever since. Today after seeing this video I feel even a small contribution can take us towards a society that doesn’t leave a single person in the lurch. Don’t you think? I certainly do.

*** This post has been sponsored by Our Better World but all thoughts are my own***

You can find more about the campaign here.

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10 thoughts on “Sponsored Video : Our Better World”

  1. Wonderful, Nabanita, that you wrote about Our Better world to give it more publicity. It clearly brings out the socially aware sensitive side in you…Besides these differently abled talents, I also admire the trainers and support guys for being patient with them. Thanks.

  2. Thanks for sharing this Naba. There are so many ways to help. I sponsor children through World Vision and UNICEF. Making a difference in someone's life is the most soul satisfying thing one can do. Blessings.

  3. I don't think we have to look far to find people around us that need help and encouragement. Thank you for sharing this and showing the determination these young people had.

  4. The video gave me goosebumps. It's so wonderful that there are people who are striving for the betterment of differently ables. You post speaks volumns about it. Indeed when I look at my contribution towards society and humanity, I feel small. So small.

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