V is for Violated

Standing in the meeting room with her boss, Sneha felt violated.

No he hadn’t touched her. But his eyes made her feel uncomfortable.

Sneha couldn’t quit her job, she had responsibilities.

If she complained they would ask for tangible evidence. Yes, there was a group specifically set up for harassment but then they always wanted proof. And all she had was this feeling of being stripped naked in his head.

What could she do?


V is for feeling Violated….and that’s the tone of today’s tale…

Linking this post for A to Z Challenge. As I promised in the theme reveal post, as part of the Challenge I’m going to write short stories with one or more emotions beginning with the alphabet of the day as the prompt or central idea for the post. Hope you enjoy the challenge!

Linking this to UBC too.

Many of my blogger friends are also taking part in a host of challenges this month. Shower some love on them, won’t you? Oh Please ! You know we bloggers are suckers for comments 🙂

Phew! If I missed tagging you, please shout out here 🙂

32 thoughts on “V is for Violated”

  1. She could give filthy look back at him as a start and if needed embarass him when in crowd by saying to not bore his eyes that way

  2. Sadly so much of this stuff happens at workplaces. A sensitive topic presented sensitively. Good one, Naba!

  3. One of your best posts in the A-Z series!
    Quite a few women face this situation at the workplace: non-physical and non-verbal sexual harassment that cannot be proved. Quitting the job is not really an option for two reasons: firstly, responsibilities; secondly, the next workplace could be worse.
    Apart from the statutory requirements, the managements of companies and managers should create an environment that is genuinely gender-sensitive. You may be interested in reading my post 'Tackling workplace / sexual harassment' at http://proactiveindian.com/2013/09/26/tackling-workplace-sexual-harassment/

  4. I am sure,her boss must be on the committee.So ,the case is pre decided.In favour of the boss ,that is.This is such a let down for the women who want to work ! Lets trust ,things will change slowly & surely.

  5. A very serious issue presented very effectively. Why is it that women have to be the target at the work place!

  6. Too many women have to put up with this kind of stuff. And yet they feel helpless because of various reasons…Definitely opening up to someone she trusts would definitely be a starting option and then they could plan to do something if there are others who share the same opinion!

  7. Ah I have been here before. But I had the proof and did the necessary. I wonder where he is now.

  8. indeed there is so much for which there is no physical evidence – tht doesn't make the rime any less mineal

  9. So disgusting this can be – I've been in a situation like this – and felt awful about it. Thankfully, the guy quit before I did.

  10. Yes there are eyes that makes you feel as if they r tearing your clothes apart and digging into your skin… and as I am reading above many women have been through this situation. This is so disgusting. I feel sorry for the wives, mothers and daughters of such people!

  11. It is disgusting but common in work places. It is best to speak to that person in a strong voice and give your opinion in what a shithead he is!!!

  12. I am not surprised to read this, recently I came across a lady who had a similar experience at her in laws place – the look she got was from father in law… it was such a humiliating experience that she found not only difficult to handle, but also had to deal with her husband who was attached to the father…..I wonder where are women safe actually speaking ?

  13. Sadly, this happens to women all the time. I used to work in a male-dominated environment and wasn't shy about making a sarcastic comment or two, or even a joke, so it didn't really bothered me all that much. More difficult when it's the boss doing it.

  14. Those times when you feel so and can't tell anyone are the toughest for any women!

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