Beards, Sweaters & More… #MondayMusings

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve seen my dad wear a beard. Honestly, I cannot ever imagine him without one. I remember drawing him with beard all the time. Growing up, my sister and I, would literally get panic attacks every time mom mentioned he was getting rid of his beard. Of-course, she would just be teasing us then. Even today whenever there is talk about dad trying the clean shaven look for a change, we oppose it with all our might. It’s just that dad for us has to have his beard. In our eyes, nobody carries a beard as well as he does. Nobody ever can. For us dad and his beard are integral parts of our lives and we want the status quo to be maintained forever.
That’s not the only thing though. My dad doesn’t wear jeans and I cannot imagine him in one. He’s always suited up, in his formals or semi-formals, never in a jeans. I like him just that way. For some reason, I find it weird to see dads dressed in jeans. But that’s just me. However, you see the point I’m trying to make here? There’s always something that sticks, something that defines a person and relationship to you. There are things, characteristics rather, without which something would seem off.
My sister has to have coffee at weird times of the night. Like clockwork, she walks into the kitchen for coffee, the moment I tell her it’s time for dinner. Apparently, she can’t dine without having her cup of coffee first. And somewhere I always know that will be her reaction every time. My mom, she needs to finish all the work in the kitchen before she can sit down to eat. Never have I seen her eat with a messy kitchen awaiting her attention. These are probably unimportant things but at the end of the day they also help you identify a person in certain ways. I, for example, never finish a cup of tea completely. I always, always leave behind some of it.
With S too there are so many things, for example, he just doesn’t wear sweaters in Bangalore. Apparently, for him, there is no winter here. Even on days when it gets chilly, you won’t see him in a sweater. I have tried and tried for years but he just won’t listen. For me, S has to be difficult when it comes to putting on warm clothes in the winter here in Bangalore or else it would get the warning bells ringing.
So, what I’m trying to say is, everyone you know has some peculiar habit or identifier, consciously or subconsciously defining him or her for you. And that stays in your psyche as an essential part of that person. These are the pieces that make up that person for you, build the personality or individual you know. Even one piece missing or not fitting would then be an unwelcome anomaly.
There is a particular image that people you love conform to, their imprints on your mind’s eye, so to speak. It could be that one peculiar habit of theirs or something they always say, the way they say it too, certain nuances that register in your heart as theirs. Some idiosyncrasies that only make sense when it is related to them. You can call these my #MondayMusings but pick anyone you know, especially those extremely close to you and you’ll see it’s true.
So, tell me if there’s anything that comes to your mind after reading this. I’d love to hear.


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53 thoughts on “Beards, Sweaters & More… #MondayMusings”

  1. Totally enjoyed this, Naba. My husband and I have our quirks, of course! I must have my water straight from the fridge – the colder the better! He must have an afternoon nap! 😉

  2. Girl … you need to stop reading my mind!! I have been talking about quirks of the loved one with my friends today and telling them how you just live with that … it's all about love. 😀 My husband needs me in the kitchen when he is cooking. I don't have to do anything, not even move a finger… just stand there and watch… yeah the whole time I just stand or hop around.

  3. Hahaha I totally agree. Some people are easily identifiable by their quirks alone.

    I have way too many of them to list here, so here are just a few.

    ~ My morning coffee has to be in my yellow mug and the evening one in my lime green mug. Green tea is always had in my royal blue mug.
    ~ I never ever finish any drink. I always leave the last sip behind. Be it coffee, tea, water or alcohol.
    ~ I can cook only in a clean kitchen. I scrub and clean before I sit down to cook. Then clean again and then sit down to eat.

  4. Loved this post… these little things define us as individuals… don't they? My hubs is a hygiene freak… not conscious mind you, a freak! Me, I must read at night before I sleep… I don't sleep peacefully until I do 🙂

  5. O I can't have the whole tea/coffee/milk.. whatever glass or cup or mug it is..! I just can't.. and the point that you mentioned about your mom, likewise is my mom.. I think mothers are wired this way.. they won't eat, until they clear the kitchen.. and yes.. A, my husband, he too gets finicky when it comes to warmers and sweaters.. and such chilly winters in the north!
    Makes me realize, quite many points mentioned above are similar..

    Enjoyed reading this one Naba 🙂


  6. For Josh, it's his beard, too. For me, it's probably a book. I don't think I've ever left the house without a book. And usually I am holding on in my hands as I walk around the house.

  7. What a fun post and so bang on. We all have our little quirks and physical identifiers as you call them. When my sons were small they would always draw me with my bangs in a big wavy flip and glasses since that's how they saw me. Since then I got my eyes lasered so the glasses are gone but the flip remains though it's a bit greyer than it was then.

    This post reminds me of fiction writing tips and defining characters as they say to do the same thing and have identifying traits that pertain to looks, personality and dialogue.

  8. I was smiling as I read this post! I cant imagine KG without his mustache. He's been wanting to shave it off and let it grow again, for years now. But I just pester him not to do it! Oh, we all have our idiosyncrasies and we cant imagine life without them. I have to have my tea in absolute peace and in large mugs only.

  9. I loved your post and you are right! We have all got those little things that are so specific to us. The first thing that I do when I get up is switch on my laptop. Whether I use it or not, I have to. As a kid I used the think that the last sip of milk has hay in it s I started leaving a little in the mug. Today too, I leave a lot! 😛
    I have never seen VT with a mustache. If he gets one, I will run away 😛

  10. I am the exact opposite of tea-leaving-in-their-cup people 🙂 I made this term up just now, I drain my tea cup every time 🙂 Enjoyed reading your musings.

  11. Thanks Corinne….I have a quirk with my water as well 😀 It needs to be part room temperature and part from the fridge 😀

  12. haha no I won't…I'm going to continue reading your mind 😉

    Well, it's nice that you don't have to move a finger..I like that kind of stay in the kitchen any day :D… S needs me to sit with him when he is eating something, even if I don't eat or have just a spoonful!

  13. Me too Soumya, I can't cook in a dirty kitchen and I have to keep cleaning it up during the process…And like I said, I never ever finish my tea 😀 Looks like quirks are present all around 😀

  14. Thanks so much …Oh and I'm like your hubs total hygiene freak! And I do it consciously too oops 🙂

  15. Oh yes..most points are similar Geets …looks like we share quite a few of our quirks 🙂

    Thanks for stopping by!

  16. Oh that's a good quirk I think, the book and the beard too 🙂

    I need to have a book by my bed all the time…I may not read it but I need one!

  17. I guess in some ways it is also how we look at our loved ones, subconsciously how we register them… And thanks Cathy, glad you enjoyed the post 🙂

  18. hehe know my dad read this post and he has been teasing me that he has shaved his beard…I still react like a 5 year old when he says that!

  19. Totally relate to this. It made me think of my quirks, which herald my presence. Wonder if people are reminded of me when they see those quirks in anyone!

    Very nice!

  20. What a fun post…just loved it!!! Can identify with so many of the quirks and idiosyncrasies listed here…In fact J and I have managed to stick through our quirks and wouldn't have it any other way…:-D

  21. Absolutely enjoyed reading this. Well as far as I am concerned, I cannot stand the sight of P having an unshaven look. He is not ALLOWED to have even a two-day old beard 😛 Maybe because I am an Army and is married to one! I don't mind others spotting a beard. But not P!
    Oh yeah, one more, I can't sleep without the fan on! I mean, even when it is freezing cold. I need to hear the fan rotate! P says I am nuts 😛

  22. hehe…well I share the fan one with you..I need the fan… and I also need something to cover myself with ..if its hot then the fan will be at full speed so that I can use the blanket or whatever it is 🙂

    Thanks for reading!

  23. Wonderfully expressed 🙂 I have a habit of wearing the left shoe always first, no matter what it may be. Can't seem to change it and don't want to also 😉

  24. Haha, so many thoughts come to my mind! Everyone, obviously, has their quirks. If I were to talk about myself – off the top of my head, I hate umbrellas and refuse to carry them. I'd rather walk in the rain. In college that behavior led people to believe I was some sort of attention seeker – which is ridiculous! Some of us just love the rain!

  25. Such a wonderful article. I also have this habit of leaving some tea in the cup. I have tea at midnight everyday, which according to my Dad is a very unhealthy habit. And I never carry umbrella no matter how much it rains. I love to get drenched.

  26. This reminds me of my uncle who wears beard. Saw him once without beard and he looked "Ajeeb".

    I frown too much. Some people say I have permanent frown and they wonder how can I manage to do that. Wonder how'd they feel if I stop doing that (Though I can't as it comes naturally) 🙂

    Interesting post!

  27. Cute post. We can all relate to it.
    My dad used to sport a beard off and on and I used to hate it when I was kid. But I had an elderly relative we all respected and loved so much (he's no more) who always had a neatly trimmed pure white beard. The only time I saw him without his beard was when he had a surgery and it was painful to see him like that.

    My dad was not much of a jeans person, but my kids' dad literally lives in them 😀

    Btw, I'm like you sister — cannot live without coffee. Like your hubby(?), I cannot wear sweaters in Bangalore. 🙂

    And you always leave some tea in your cup? What's with that? 🙂

    Once again, such a sweet post. 🙂

  28. hehe well I guess ajeeb is what I would feel if my dad shaves his beard! And yes they will feel ajeeb if you stop frowning 🙂

  29. haha D well looks like we have a lot in common 🙂 I can never understand why S doesn't wear sweaters when it's cold..Or maybe it's my quirk to force him to put one on! 😀

    Glad you liked the post 🙂

  30. Hey Nabanita…. Wonderfully written post and can totally relate to it… My dad has always carried a mustache and just like you I can also not imagine him without one. I happened to see one of his old pics where he is without a mustache and it looked weird. My second sister has this weird habit (seems kind of weird to me) of washing her feet before she goes to sleep.

  31. Oh I feel the same way when I see my dad's photos when he had no beard… So hard imagining them different from how we have seen them right?

  32. I can so relate to this. I cannot drink water without spilling a drop of it, no matter what. Over the years, I have tried so hard to overcome this, it is possible only when I consciously try.

  33. Yes, it is really those little quirks that come to define who we are. I too identify people close to me with their quirks.

  34. I can relate. Everyone has their distinguishing characteristics. My husband doesn't like to dress warmly either and seems to not feel the cold. He had a mustache for years and it was completely part of him. Then, one day, he decided to shave it off. That was quite a shock, but now, I can't imagine him having one again.

  35. I agree with you about people and their quirks or things associated with them. My dad wore spectacles all his life till he had his cataract removed and I find it quite disconcerting to look at him without them

  36. Ohh…see those around you would have subconsciously tagged this habit to you and if you don't drop they will be surprised 🙂

  37. Ohh …I guess it's change that startles us all…we are more comfortable with what we have known for ages!

  38. I know the feeling..I cannot imagine my dad dressing in any other way than I have seen him for years now

  39. hahaha…. yea that's so true ! my hubby once shaved of his mustache and I freaked out totally…I simply couldn't imagine him without one… and I thought he looked awful without it! my mom's the same, cleaning up before she puts a morsal in her mouth! what a fun post this was!

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