Humpty Dumpty Had A Great Fall

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall!

This is one sentence my subconscious is playing in loop today while I juggle office work, a baby and all the chores at home. Not surprising at all since I did fall down pretty awkwardly this morning. I was taking the stairs to the basement car parking when this happened. Let’s just say, it was painful and scary as I landed on my hips. The feet too weren’t spared. With the weak bones and Vitamin D deficiency, it’s a miracle I didn’t break any bones. To say, I’m blue and in pain would not only be metaphorically but literally apt too!


At any other time, I would have forgotten all about it except maybe for the pain in the rear. But I just can’t today. The reason being I was carrying my almost 9-month-old when this happened. It was a miracle I didn’t fall flat on my face or else she would have gotten hurt too. I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if she hadn’t been strapped to me in her carrier. The various scenarios that play in my mind are anything but comforting.


Truth is, there are too many things on my mind these days and I’m often absent minded. I could be in a conversation with you one moment and phase out in the next without even consciously realizing it. Perhaps that was what caused the fall today and of course my high heels too. These shoes need to come with some kind of warning like injurious to mothers carrying infants climbing down stairs. 

On a serious note, I do have too many thoughts hovering in my mind at any given moment, way more than I’m used to. Stack overflow says the Engineer in me. There is always something that needs to be done, something that needs to be ticked off the list. Still, whatever the reason, I can’t let this happen again especially when I have my baby with me. But what do I do to reduce the stress, the absent-mindedness and avoid something like this in the future?

Honestly, I don’t know.

Meditation is not my cup of tea. The only thing that comes close to meditation for me is listening to instrumentals while I work, instrumentals made for meditation. How cliched!

Maybe a few days off ought to do the trick then. Actually, no I don’t think that would work either because I don’t really get any rest at home with my little naughty baby always up to something. The only time I feel a bit relaxed in spite of the workload is at the office. Yes, strange but that’s how it is. And I think every working mother would agree with me. Maybe not every working mother but most certainly would.

So,  the question remains, how do I deal with the stress that comes with juggling so many roles? How do I prevent such falls in the future? Because trust me, it really hurts especially when I think about what could have happened. And this Humpty Dumpty doesn’t really want any other great fall.

22 thoughts on “Humpty Dumpty Had A Great Fall”

  1. Oh dear that is a big scare!! If you don't like meditation then listen to instrumentals to calm yourself down. Don't worry you are the only one who feels relaxed at office. I have heard this from my teammates too. I guess it comes with parenthood. Hope the pain goes away soon.

  2. Can't advise you on the stress but high heels. NO. Not at all and I will give my gyaan. Not for twisting ankle or falling down but Naba, for your back as you carry M and I am sure both of your bags and stuff. Right? So get to flats or any comfy shoes. I know what you mean about the scare but don't worry – like all Mums know it instinctively, you too early knew how to fall and save your girl. Hugs and stay safe.

    Coming to stress – laugh it out, talk to people who care and give a BIG hug to M 🙂

  3. I'm sure many new moms will tell you this but – happened to me too, while I was carrying N. I was in heels and a sari. The first thing to do is bid a good bye to the high heels while you're carrying her, and two try to bring along a stroller – those foldable ones are pretty useful. You'll find carrying her painful for your back and increasingly difficult as she grows older. Also, god forbid she gets used to it!!! I had a hard time weaning N off the 'godi'. As for the stress – I'm still struggling with it. Instrumental music sounds good.

  4. That was scary! I am glad you are safe. Take one step at a time – that sounds simplistic but it really works. And it helps not to juggle thoughts 🙂 and worry about all the stuff you have to finish doing. Hugs Naba, take care. Play with your daughter and enjoy her laughter – that's the best stress reliever!

  5. You are right, Parul… In fact, I'm using this as a reason to go and splurge on flats tomorrow 😉
    And about stress, I feel a lot better after putting my feelings here and when you guys read them 🙂

  6. You are right , Tulika.. Will need to do something about the godi, already she doesn't let me go anywhere or even leave her alone in the room with someone else…

  7. Thanks, Vidya..I have taken a day off tomorrow and planning to do just that with her 🙂 Hugs right back to you !

  8. Thanks God, both of you are not hurt too much. It happens with over thinkers like us and once I felt really bad outside Gurgaon railway station, hurting my knee and legs real bad. The next day, I had to take a flight and couldn't sit properly throughout.

  9. That was scary. First of all bye to high heels. No more of them. I had a similar fall when S was 7 months old and l had fallen forward and he had for injured despite being strapped to a slingie. I am saying a silent prayer for you here. Can't you do deep breathing or listen to chants before going to bed? It will help trust me it play music. Whatever calms you.

  10. That was scary. First of all bye to high heels. No more of them. I had a similar fall when S was 7 months old and l had fallen forward and he had for injured despite being strapped to a slingie. I am saying a silent prayer for you here. Can't you do deep breathing or listen to chants before going to bed? It will help trust me it play music. Whatever calms you.

  11. I don't know if it's a trick, but next time you are doing something like going down the stairs carrying the baby, make your actions intentional by saying out loud, "Baby M, now we are going down the stairs and we must be careful." It will make you more "in the moment" and help her to learn to be mindful and aware of her surroundings.

  12. Glad you and your baby are safe. High heels are a blessing and a curse and very impractical with a baby. Take care Naba.

  13. I'll do that Rachna… I used to before when I was a student then everything just vanished. Have to start again. And no more high heels.

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