Is Blood Really Thicker Than Water? Yes? No?

Blood is thicker than water.
It was during one of my Additional English classes that I first stumbled across this adage. I was in the 10th standard then, if I’m not wrong. In fact, that was the first time I had also written on it. I still remember that period, at least bits and pieces of it. Ms. Bhaswati, one of the two teachers who made me fall in love with the written word, was the one who had actually introduced this aphorism to me and the rest of the class too.
I remember that day she came into the class and asked us to write our interpretations of this quote. This was one of the reasons I absolutely loved her classes. She let our imagination flow, never curtailed it in any manner. So, on her prompt I got down to writing and ever since, this saying has been one of my very favorites. I even remember Miss reading out what I had written to the entire class. Oh! I miss those days. Anyways, moving on.
“Yes most definitely blood is thicker than water, only exception being that of the rapport between life partners.”

Well, blood is thicker than water, absolutely. There’s no one in the entire world who’d do as much for you than your own family. This bond that is formed at birth is way stronger than any you forge later. Well, there’s an exception to this too, about which I’ll talk later. But the crux of the matter is nobody, and I mean nobody, can love or care for you more than your family. It’s not something you choose, not something that you plan but you just end up loving this bunch of people because, well, they are your family. Friends or acquaintances, I haven’t found any who would love you as selflessly as your own family. So, yes most definitely blood is thicker than water, only exception being that of the rapport between life partners.
Yes, the bond between a husband and a wife is never by blood but they do live for each other, don’t they? And it doesn’t have to be just between spouses, the criteria here is love. Yes, love, I think, strengthens this relationship and despite not sharing the same bloodline it is one of the strongest there is. I have seen this between my parents, in what I feel for S and even between other partners. So, this is the only place where perhaps this adage fails and rightly so.

For me this quote holds a lot of weight and meaning. It has proved itself to be true on so many counts, failing only when it comes to S. Nobody could care for me like he does. I guess the fact that this comes so close to being an absolute statement, except in the area that it rightly shouldn’t, is what gets it all the ticks in my book.

Well, you guessed it right, this was the last quote of my 3-Day-Quote-Challenge. Tell me what you think about it. And yes, feel free to take up the challenge yourself. I’d surely love to read.The rules are mentioned in my post here.

27 thoughts on “Is Blood Really Thicker Than Water? Yes? No?”

  1. Thats a good one Nabanita. And the sooner it is realised by the new generation, the better.

  2. I agree to the most part… definitely my family has been my guiding light during trying times. But then I have been blessed too with a few rare gems in the forms of friends who were there besides me during my trying moments too. They were there at times when cousins and blood relatives slunk away and chose not to be of help so for me, the definition of blood remains just direct family (parents & siblings)

    Anyway, that was my two cents on this 🙂
    And yes, as you end the challenge, I begin 😀
    Here's my first quote

  3. I pity the ones who part ways with their families in the lust of worldly pleasures.. and then there are those who are showered with love from their families.. their loved ones.. their friends.. basically everybody around!

    Very well quoted Naba..


  4. Like you, I would agree with the quote only wrt my closest family my parents and siblings. My children too and the husband. In a way we are related by blood through the children we share. 🙂 Convuluted logic, I know. 🙂 But I have had friends who stood by me through thick and thin so…

  5. Like you, I would agree with the quote only wrt my closest family my parents and siblings. My children too and the husband. In a way we are related by blood through the children we share. 🙂 Convuluted logic, I know. 🙂 But I have had friends who stood by me through thick and thin so…

  6. Blood can certainly be thicker than water, though I have friends who have been like family for me and been there for me more than my family ever could! 😉 <3

  7. I sway a lot around this quote. Blood is thicker than water maybe but I am blessed with few friends who make me question this quote.

  8. One of the most wonderful and true quote I've ever read. Most of them are inspirational but there are very few to which you could actually connect so well. Also, I loved the way you've portrayed and explained it. Quite agreeable and a lovely post 🙂

  9. Its a popular quote, I don't totally agree with this. A few of my friends have become more a family to me and have accompanied me in the toughest moments of my life… to an extent I agree with the quote as far as my parents, husband and my daughter are concerned. thank you for sharing !

  10. Lovely quote and what a post on that. You are right! The bond of love makes it thicker than anything else..

  11. I know people do say friends are sometimes more than family..But I have not been lucky in that department doc…Glad that you have been though…All the best for the challenge!

  12. That is actually quite an interesting logic Rachna 🙂 I haven't had such friends but glad that you and others have had !

  13. Thank you for taking the time to read…Glad you have friends who defy this quote and prove otherwise 🙂

  14. A really love quote Naba :). I would say that this would be true in many cases for friends as well but again with friends it all depends how well or easily one stays in touch with them over the years. A lot of beautiful friendships die over a period of time since the people get busy in their own lives.

    On another hand I have also heard of families who havent really been there for their own children and tortured them all the time. It's sad when such situations occur wherein we can't even be dependent on our own families for love and care.

    But nonetheless even today, if we are asked who would love us unconditionally the most, the first answer has got to be our own families :).

  15. I learned it the hard way, very hard way. This just increases value for people who value you.
    I like the way you write. It is my first visit to your blog and I like the minimal design 🙂

  16. the quote is true when it comes to close members of the family. But until I read your post I never thought it in the perspective of a husband-wife relationship. True, in this case the blood doesn't matter.

  17. Hey Nabanita

    Great Post and Thank you So Much for the information you have provided and the explanation of the quote.

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