Love – The Sly Cheat

Freshness of the morning dew,
Bright, fragrant roses few,
Buzzing bees; whispering to the blooming tulips,
Nonchalant smile in those pretty lips,
Love steals it all,
Love takes away life’s jovial beat.
Melody of chirping birds,
Tunes, of drizzling rains, unheard,
Saccharine songs humming peace,
Joy; life’s eternal lease,
Love wrecks it all,
Love robs life’s blissful songs sweet.
Cries veiled, sadness replete
Hurt strew, in life, complete,
Heart beats stop,
Lurking sadness in life’s every drop,
Love gives you these,
Love is but the sly cheat.

15 thoughts on “Love – The Sly Cheat”

  1. A wonderful poem. I endorse the sentiments. Of course love like a blazing flame attracts and beguiles at the same time.

  2. Really nice, Naba!
    You are so good with 'Love' posts! Do hope you are taking part in the IB Platinum Contest! All the best! πŸ™‚

  3. Whhhooawww… πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    Lurking sadness in life’s every drop,
    Love gives you these,
    Love is but the sly cheat.

    — A-M-A-Z-I-N-G

  4. Thanks Anita you are being too kind πŸ™‚
    I am taking part but not been able to pen something interesting yet πŸ™‚
    All the Best to you too!

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