How The #TrumpVsClinton Debate Is Plain Old #Misogyny

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Have you ever been present in meetings where the opinions of women were blatantly ignored? Or, been to meetings where women were not even allowed to speak let alone give opinions?


If you have then this post might make sense to you. And if you haven’t, there is always the chance to learn something new.


Well, these are basically meetings where the opinions of women are disregarded completely. In fact, God forbid the women even try then the men make it a habit to quell their ideas in any way possible. The most common way is to speak louder than the women present. It is, in fact, a reflex action for these testosterone filled individuals. The funny thing is somehow this behavior is acceptable too, this muzzling of women’s voices. Apparently even in the higher echelons of power. So is it really surprising that women need to literally and figuratively shout at the top of their voices to be heard?


We saw Trump doing the same thing to Hillary in one of the debates lately but then some people still seem to believe that this individual is qualified to make America great again. Well to each their own, I guess. Of course, Hillary was must have faced similar men in her life before so she looked like she knew what she was in for. The fact still remains, though, strong women have forever threatened egotistical individuals, mostly men, and hence have been ignored, shunned and vilified.


Strong women have forever threatened egotistical individuals, mostly men, and hence have been ignored, shunned and vilified. #Women Click To Tweet


Like I had said in a post a few months back, living thousands and thousands of miles away from the American shores, I have not really been following the US Presidential Elections much. But even then, there’s one particular aspect that I just couldn’t ignore. And I’m sure you couldn’t either, especially if you are a woman. At least I hope you couldn’t. The aspect being misogyny. Yes, you read it right. Misogyny.


If anything, the 2016 US Presidential Campaign reeks of sexism at its worst from every nook and cranny. This election may also be about any number of issues but first and foremost it is about the inability of treating a woman candidate like another male candidate. Somehow the world still seems unable to accept a woman who dares to dream. Yes, the dream to become the Commander-in-Chief of one of the most powerful nations of the world.


If Hillary’s Benghazi emails are an issue, shouldn’t Trump’s ‘locker room banter’ be too?


From her husband’s sexual transgressions to her health issues, she is being targeted nonstop. It is as if every male Presidential candidate till date has had no health problems. And as if what her husband did has a bearing on her ability to hold office. Tell you what, this is just fancy speak for not being able to accept a strong woman. Yes, as simple as that. This election has been reduced to gender politics where there is only one fear, of power being transferred to a woman instead of a man.


All around the world, women need to fight more to get what they deserve. The resistance, the filth spewed somehow increases manifolds when the challenger belongs to the fairer sex. The extent to which people can go to stop a woman from winning is alarming, to say the least. Somehow strong willed and powerful women make people uncomfortable and hence are not welcome. The Trump vs Hillary discourse is a classic example of that.


It’s ironic isn’t it that Trump’s trash talk about women is accepted as locker room banter even though everyone knows it’s akin to sexual harassment but Hillary is somehow unacceptable because she is Bill Clinton’s wife or that she has some health issue? It’s appalling when people point at Bill Clinton’s mistakes and make a case against Hillary.


Think about it.


It's as if when it comes to #Hillary allegations against her are always the truth while when it comes to #Trump, allegations against him are opposition propaganda. #USElections2016 Click To Tweet


This whole charade seems all too familiar actually. Ever noticed how women are always considered bad drivers while thousands of male drivers breaking traffic rules at the drop of a hat daily never seem to warrant a similar analogy? This magnified a million times is what you see today with the race to one of the most powerful jobs in the world.


It’s as if when it comes to Hillary allegations against her are always the truth while when it comes to Trump, allegations against him are opposition propaganda. Suddenly, in this weird race to support Trump, his supporters have made sexual assault acceptable, even openly threatening someone acceptable. If this is not plain old sexism then what is? If Hillary’s Benghazi emails are an issue, shouldn’t Trump’s ‘locker talk’ be too? Or, is the world really so scared of a woman shattering another glass ceiling that it seems to be clutching at straws to have a man, any man even if it is Trump?


As I said before, think about it.



Linking to #mg hosted by Mackenzie Glanville

15 thoughts on “How The #TrumpVsClinton Debate Is Plain Old #Misogyny”

  1. Like most women, I’ve been on the receiving end of misogeny. I can’t decide if it is worse in the workplace or in society at large. There is a lot of victim blaming, and the “merit” arguement, but without a level playing field and special training to un-train unconcious bias in men toward “other blokes just like me” – we won’t win the fight.

    I think misogeny and hidden sexism should be taught in schools!

    It was great to find you via #mg Linky Party!


  2. Yes, women have to fight harder, much harder than men. Their names are sullied at the drop of a hat. And yes the struggles in meeting rooms are high too. I haven’t faced a meeting where I could not speak but I understand what you mean when you say that a woman’s voice can be often scuttled. As far as Trump is concerned, he is the trash of the worst kind. I hope he is dumped into a dustbin after this election.

    If he is elected then that is a reflection on the thought process of Americans.

  3. The world has a long way to go when it comes to toppling the patriarchy and quelling misogyny. This election has just showed the depths of depravity that a male candidate can stoop to when he stands for one of the highest offices ever. Who are we to say anything though? It’s ridiculous what Hillary has to face, as a woman and as a candidate. I recall Sheryl Sandberg talking about this in Lean In too. She asked that other women stand up for women because it’s a very miniscule number of men who will do it for us. Perhaps that won’t ever change. Sigh.

  4. Funnily enough I was going to write that down on my post as one of the things stressing me currently! I am not American but this Trump thing has me furious. It is ridiculous that anyone can think he is worthy of that role! Makes me sick! #mg

  5. Hear hear! I wrote my version of this past last week. This election is affecting us from all over the world. Like you, I find it very frustrating.

  6. It’s almost surreal, it’s so bad. I honestly can’t believe this is happening. I am so sick and tired of Trump’s misogyny being referred to as, ‘locker room talk’. It is frightening that this is all taking place. Alison x #mg

  7. As much as it sickens me, Nabanita, I’m completely glued to watching and reading about the American elections. Now it’s no longer politics. It’s a simple matter of how low can this man go, and shockingly still have men and sadly, women too, continue to root for him! Even our politicians seem to come off smelling of roses compared to this guy!

  8. You hit the nail on the head with this post. And the scary thing is that even after Trump slinks back into the shadows after the election, the damage he has done will remain.

  9. I agree completely with this post. The way the media is dissecting Hillary’s life, I’m willing to bet if she was a man, almost all of these “issues” would be non-issues.

  10. Agree on every point of yours! women need to fight harder than men, they are tried to be defeated with talks of their gender and the very self they are. Men still find it hard to think women to be competent and talented, this makes the life of women harder when they need to excel..

  11. Hillary has great leadership skills and Trump is no where close to her. seeing Hillary as America’s president is what almost everyone is looking forward to. Great Post 🙂

  12. You nailed it so well Nabanita – There is so much fear of a woman stepping into a hitherto male bastion that to stop her they are desperate enough to consider someone as vile and disgusting as Trump, just because he is not a woman!

  13. It seems inconceivable that Trump has generated such a huge amount of support. I tried to read up why people were supporting him, what is it that he is promising that makes them ready to accept this obviously crazy man. In their quest for that true American dream people would be inflicting greater damage on themselves than they can imagine. By bringing in a man like Trump they will push America back by many many years. It may be too late by the time they realise it. #mg

  14. It’s asinine the way this has been going. i can’t wait to vote and hope the majority of my fellow Americans aren’t morons.

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