#MommyTalks – My Eight-Month-Old & Her First Brush With Viral Fever


This is probably the umpteenth time I have applied a wet sponge on M’s forehead today. Her temperature is still high. Fluctuating from 101F to 98F, 102F to 99F, too high for my tiny eight-month-old, I think.

This is the first time she has gotten a viral fever, you know? One of those dreaded firsts. Of course, I’m not counting the times after vaccination here because those I had expected. I was prepared mentally. But today, it is totally unexpected. I’m not prepared for this. How does one take care of a fragile eight-month-old down with such high fever? I have no clue.
She’s asleep now and all I want to do is cuddle her, tell her that she’s going to be fine. Maybe even reassure me in the process by saying those words out loud.
Honestly, I got a bit scared after seeing the 102 reading on the thermometer. It spelled danger for me, really. So, I rushed her to the paediatrician in the middle of the day.

How does one take care of a fragile eight-month-old down with such high fever?

Truth is, I just wanted to take her to the doctor in the blink of an eye, magically carry her there in an instant, if possible. Silly me, I thought the doctor would wave a magic wand and my baby would feel fine. A mother’s folly to think so, I know. But there is no such thing, I realise. M has to take medicines, go through the whole regime and only in time will she get better.
It is frustrating, yes, not being able to do anything to soothe her immediately. The drive to the clinic too was nothing short of a nightmare. She was burning with fever and we were stuck in traffic. It was terrible.
I know kids fall sick, even get hurt sometimes. I was a kid myself, obvious but yes I know it happens. Still, it’s a whole different ball game when it actually happens to your little one. You feel helpless, suffocated and restless. It’s a strange feeling, similar to, well, how can I explain it? 
You know, when you forget something but can’t quite remember what it is? Something which doesn’t let you relax; keeps nagging at you. Or, when even on a good day you have the worst possible mood without an inkling as to why. That’s how I have been feeling today.
I dust the shelves in my room as she sleeps just to keep functioning. I haven’t been this restless in a while. I write a line, look her her, drift off. Motherhood you have me befuddled. Again.
Her fever shoots up to 102 again at midnight just when I thought she was getting better. I can feel the heat even through the blanket and rush for the wet sponge but she hates it. So, I carry her close and hold it on her forehead with my cheek as I walk around. I can’t help but think that she’s too small to be down with this fever. 
I walk around with her for over an hour, till the fever subsides and she is finally asleep. I realise that I can do anything to just make her discomfort go away. Anything at all.
This is probably the first of many such sleepless nights for us. Truth be told this makes me see my mom and what she had been doing for us from a whole different perspective because I remember her being next to us every time we fell sick. I have to be that for M. I hope I do half as good a job as my mother because it sure isn’t going to be easy.
Well, I hope she feels better when we wake up tomorrow. I really hope she does.

Parents, how do you deal with the restlessness when your kids are sick?

PS: She’s doing much better now.

19 thoughts on “#MommyTalks – My Eight-Month-Old & Her First Brush With Viral Fever”

  1. Naba you're amazing. You know that bit where you said — "When even on a good day you have the worst possible mood without an inkling as to why." That nagging worry – that's how I feel even now when they're ten years old. I cannot relax or have fun or even go about my daily routine when they're unwell. Even now I want the medicine to work like a shot. I really cannot offer any advice except send you a huge hug and hope the little one gets better soon.

  2. Naba, deep breaths, dear.Hugs too. It is difficult to see your child sick. As a matter of fact, you will be worried sick everytime they fall sick which will happen pretty often. Just keep doing the wet cloth and gives Crocin. Vital fever takes some time to go. Just make her comfortable. She will be clingy and she may not eat much. Do try to catch some sleep during the day time. Take care. She will be well.

  3. I can imagine how you must feel. If it helps, I used to put my baby in a tub of warm water to get the fever down (above 101) . This brings down the temperature really fast. But of course it isn't easy to do this.
    We also put some eau de cologne in the water for sponging the extremeties, forehead and even the navel area.
    What really helps the moms is reading ….the mind is hard to distract at this time but it is essential to not think too much else you can get into a panic…Luckily virus don't live very long and babies ride it out…But it is indeed a stressful time for the parents.Hope baby is ok soon

  4. Glad to hear she is doing better now. I can only imagine how helpless and frustrating it must be. Take care and much love to all of you

  5. Oh! Poor little baby. Good to know she is well now. I am sure it must have been so worrisome. hugs.

  6. You are such a wonderful Mom, Nabanita. M will be blessed always and she will soon get well, smiling and much love to the little angel:)

  7. 'I thought the doctor would wave a magic wand and my baby would feel fine'.How we mothers feel when taking the child to the doctor.Hope your daughter gets well soon.

  8. Thanks Tulika. Even virtual hugs really help. Maybe one of the reasons I wrote about it on the blog 🙂 She is better now.

  9. Thanks, she is fine now. Not eating much, but better. My mom used to put me in a tub of warm water too when I used to get fever. So, I know when you say it brings down the temperature soon. I'll keep in mind using the cologne during sponging. Many thanks 🙂

  10. I guess we do, Upasna. I hope I'll be better prepared and stronger the next time though I hope there is no next time. But that's not really possible na 🙂

  11. I hope she's feeling much better, Naba! Hang in there! I like to think of myself as a cool Mom, but when it comes to our babies falling sick, it is always the same no matter how old they grow. Hugs!

  12. Yes, Vidya she is fine now. And I hear you about babies being babies for mothers always no matter how old they grow.

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