Sponsored Video: ‘Lifebuoy – Help a Child Reach 5’

Click on the video to hear what Kajol has to say.

As per a report by UNICEF about 9 million children under five years die every year. It is appalling to learn that a preventable disease like diarrhoea is among the top two causes for the same. It’s unfortunate that even in the 21st century children die of diseases that can actually be and infact should be prevented. It is here that Lifebuoy’s ‘Help a Child Reach 5’ campaign comes into picture.

Did you know that hand-washing can actually reduce diarrhoea by 45% and pneumonia by 23%? Yes, that’s what Lifebuoy is working towards with Kajol as its brand ambassador.

In rural India where healthcare facilities and awareness of hygienic standards are next to non-existent, Lifebuoy intends to bring a revolution in atleast the hand-washing practices of one billion people by the year 2015.

Photo Credit: Lifebuoy

With one step at a time, Lifebuoy’s ‘Help A Child Reach 5’ aims at eradicating the nuisance that we know as diarrhoea. The start has been made with Thesgora, a village in Madhya Pradesh. Through donations Lifebuoy intends to work towards the cause with the help of Population Services International (PSI).

It’s simple; just wash your hands and make your children practice the same. Teach your household help the same as well; that would be a simple contribution, wouldn’t it? And before you know it more and more children would be able to reach their fifth birthdays!

You and I can make the difference. It’s not only for Lifebuoy’s ‘Help a Child Reach 5’ campaign but it would also aid the Millennium Development Goal 4 which is to reduce mortality of children under five by two-thirds by the year 2015.

For a country to prosper it’s imperative that health and hygiene standards are met. Lifebuoy’s campaign is a step towards that and not to forget it is also aimed at ensuring life beyond 5 for innocent children. So would you be a part of it too? Would you make an effort to ensure that a child get’s to live beyond the tender age of 5? Please Help a Child Reach 5!

Photo Credit: Lifebuoy

***This post has been sponsored by Lifebuoy, but all thoughts are my own.***

Find more about the campaign below:

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