We, The Traffic Virgins!

I have often been asked which country would I like to be born in in my next life and my answer has always been, right here in India. Well, we do have our problems but who doesn’t? Moreover, for me the positives far outweigh the negatives. Yes, I crib about so many things that are wrong but then at the end of the day it’s home. Trust me there are places which have it so much worse. Of-course, that’s no measure of how well we are doing but we are working on our drawbacks. In fact, I’m sure one day we’ll tighten those loose ends as well. I do hope I live to see that day though.

Well, talking of loose ends and the things that are wrong with us, I’m reminded of our innate disrespect for traffic rules. Yes, somehow we have been hardwired to not follow any rules and the traffic ones top the list! Just last year when I was in Dusseldorf and had to wait for the man on the traffic light to turn green for crossing a virtually empty road, I realized how much deep rooted this anomaly was in me as well. You won’t believe it but every cell in my body wanted to cross much against my educated senses! Well, I guess you can take the Indian out of India but not India out of the Indian. But I must say I’m still a lot better, at-least I consciously try to be so.

So, why am I writing about this today? Well, take a look for yourself. This was the scene while returning from office this evening. Now, we need to take a service road which is basically a two lane road, one lane each for either direction. But then we Indians can’t wait, can we? God forbid we have to wait. Today there were three parallel lines in one direction because queuing is something we just don’t like paying heed to.

And no this isn’t the first time I have noticed this. It happens every single day, possibly many times a day. Somehow we just can’t get ourselves to be patient enough. Somehow we just can’t get ourselves to behave. Yes, instead we like treating the road as our own personal minion!

  1. Our bikes prefer footpaths and not roads.
  2. Waiting for the traffic signal to turn green is against our basic nature.
  3. We honk when there’s really no need for it.
  4. We suddenly take right and left turns without indicating that we are going to do so.
  5. We overtake from the left. Yes, where did this come from!
  6. We may buy big cars but don’t know how to drive them respectfully on roads.
  7. We use high beams. Yes, we like blinding drivers coming from the opposite direction.
  8. We cross roads from anywhere and at anytime. If we get hit in the process, well, we blame the unsuspecting car drivers or bike riders for that.
  9. Helmet, well, we rather get our heads smashed than wear a helmet.
  10. Speed-limit? We have never heard those words. Isn’t it an oxymoron?
  11. Yellow traffic light for us means giving a full throttle.
  12. Zebra crossing. What in the world is that?
  13. We even have roads with no footpaths.
  14. Driving in the opposite direction in a lane with the headlights and hazard lights on, at times adjacent to the divider, is our idea of getting amusement parks right to our roads.

Yes, well, we are a unique nation of sorts. Most of it we don’t do knowingly. But the sad part is not enough of us make the necessary efforts to correct it either. But maybe one day we will, at least I hope that we will. Until then getting stuck in traffic due to our idiocy will undoubtedly be a part and parcel of our daily lives.

Tell me what do you think about traffic rules? Do you follow them? And what do you think of people who treat the road and those traffic rules with disrespect? Go on tell me, I’d love to know!

Until next time.

Pics: © https://nabanitadhar.in/

26 thoughts on “We, The Traffic Virgins!”

  1. The traffic sounds frightening to me, but it must be going at a slow pace, so maybe there's no harm done. Here in England, nearly everyone obeys the rules of the road. Some silly people use their mobile phones while they're driving though. This is just ridiculous, especially when travelling fast through the street.

  2. Well you know they say – you can buy Mercedes, but you can't buy class. Harsh but unfortunately the truth. Bangalore traffic is a nightmare… I can understand how frustrating it can be.

  3. Our schools should teach civics as a compulsory subject instead of teaching advanced sciences and maths. What is the use of getting more knowledge in these when you do not have the essential knowledge and training to lead a civilized social life?

  4. Oh that happens here too…I don't know what can be done because educated folks too do these things here… And yes it's frightening no doubt

  5. Oh so true it is! Every bit of it I must say. Traffic is horrible everywhere. I stay in Mumbai and the traffic here sucks all patience out of you. And yes, In India, people do think honking is their birthright. Forget about other traffic rules. Doesn't matter if you are riding a two wheeler or a Benz, everyone behaves the same on road.

  6. i would like to be born in india if and only if i take birth in a rich/ political dynasty, the color of the money would be immaterial.

  7. Oh just don't get me started! I'm new on the road and I swear it would have been better if I continued to use public transport. Owning and driving a vehicle here, God save us!

  8. Oh atleast you are out..I'm terrified and if continues like this I don't think I can ever learn!

  9. "We Indians can't wait, can we? God forbid we have to wait. Today there were three parallel lines in one direction because queuing is something we just don't like paying heed to!" couldn't put it better!!!

  10. What I find surprising is that an Indian from India when he travels outside of India and drives there, ends up following the rules, especially as no one there knows his father and the minute he is back in India, he is back to his regular routine… I go through the same when I travel back to India and wait at the signal man to turn green, and quite often than not, get wierd looks.. Where is he from?

  11. Indians thrive in randomness and chaos. If after 68 years we pay no heed to traffic rules, I don't see a change in the near future!

  12. Yes, were does that come from? if we can follow rules outside India then what compels us to not do the same here? I wonder!

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