What is Babywearing & Why I Recommend It?


One of the most common sights I see in my company’s shuttles are moms with their babies or toddlers carrying at least two bags, one for the kid’s daycare and one for the mother herself. The sight always reminds me of a time not so long ago when I used to travel to and from work with M. Yes, carrying a huge bag which had everything that she might have needed during that day and of course another one for me. If you didn’t know, this is actually one of the most strenuous parts of being a working mom, really physically draining. You not only have to carry your kid but both of your bags, not to mention, alight from the bus navigating Indian’s population on bikes and vehicles most of whom lack basic traffic sense. That was where babywearing had come to my rescue and as I watch mothers now struggle with their kids and the bags every single day, I really want to tell them how something like an ergonomic baby carrier could make it a lot easier for them.


Just the other day, I saw a woman alight from our bus with her kid when it was raining. Now, she too has two hands like anyone else so imagine how tough it must have been with the kid, the bags and an umbrella. Of course, the folks in the bus always try to help on such occasions but she still had the road to cross with all that. Yes, not easy.


For me, it was a blogger friend, Mina, who had first suggested babywearing to me and she recommended not just any carrier but an ergonomic one. I cannot thank her enough because in many ways her suggestion made my travels with M so much easier. Now you might ask what is an ergonomic carrier? Well, I’ll tell you.


What is an ergonomic baby carrier? #babywearing #MommyTalks Click To Tweet


An ergonomic baby carrier is one which distributes the baby’s weight evenly, makes it comfortable for the baby and the person wearing the baby. Also, it is load tested for different weights so that’s very good in terms of safety. It provides support to the baby without making him or her uncomfortable. In short, it does not stress the baby’s body in any way, is safe while making it easier for the parent wearing the baby to move around. That is why whenever anyone goes for a baby carrier, I always tell them to check for one that is tested and has an ergonomic make.


Now, babywearing isn’t a new concept really? Cloth wraps or slings have been in use for many many years across India and I’m sure in different parts of the world as well. I grew up in Shillong where the native Khasi’s excelled in babywearing with a sling wrap. It’s just that it needs to be done right and you can be in close proximity with your baby and have your hands free too.


Babywearing is being talked about more these days because of the shift towards something termed as attachment parenting. It is basically a philosophy which recommends promoting the bond between the baby and the parent through bodily closeness and touch. Babywearing has a lot of advantages and not just the freedom of movement that I spoke about. For example, when the mother is carrying her newborn, it is believed that her oxytocin levels rise due to physical contact thereby reducing the risk of postpartum depression. Of course, it helps in a variety of other ways like easier breastfeeding and most importantly bonding with the newborn. For a father too, babywearing can help to form the bond and also give the mother some rest.


Cloth wraps or slings have been in use for many many years across India and I’m sure in different parts of the world as well.


Now, I didn’t know much about babywearing until M was born. As I said, it was only later upon the suggestion of a friend that I started to find out more about it. In fact, she directed me to the Facebook Group – Babywearing India where I found out about wraps, slings and carriers before making my decision.


Out of the many options, I went for a cookiie pie baby carrier and I cannot emphasise enough how much of a lifesaver that turned out to be for me. From getting on and off office shuttles to crossing the roads, from working around the house with her to carrying her, our bags and an umbrella during rains, I couldn’t have done it without a carrier. In fact, I travelled alone with her several times and couldn’t have done it seamlessly with my trusted cookiie carrier.


So, to all the new moms and also the working moms who carry their kids with them to and from daycares, or just parents who want to travel or take walks with their babies and toddlers, do consider babywearing. If you select the right carrier, life will be really easy, trust me.


And no this isn’t a sponsored post. I just thought I need to say this in the hope that it might help a mother someday.


Happy Babywearing!


What is Babywearing & Why I Recommend It? My experience with ergonomic babywearing and why it's very helpful for parents. #babywearing

One thought on “What is Babywearing & Why I Recommend It?”

  1. Gosh! It’s so dangerous isn’t it? Even without baby, it takes immense courage to cross Indian roads. I am glad I am able to use prams here. So baby wearing is mostly limited to home… And that also is done by my husband. I make him do to increase their bonding.

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