Woozy Cacophony of Love?

The mushy songs, flirtatious talks, and roses all around with all that talk of love forever after are simply nauseating this time of the year! But with Valentine’s Day around the corner, what more can be expected of the wobbly eyed mortals who dream of a love so great that even Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet are put to shame. But sometimes this overdose of red simply reminds you of something as gory as blood; certainly not the perfect idea of romance!
There are several legends surrounding Valentine’s Day but the most popular one seems to be centred on St Valentine. The fact that he was persecuted and killed for trying to spread love is celebrated around the world today; peculiar? Yes it’s ironic but perhaps one of the oldest examples of the glass is half full philosophy in the world when it comes to love! So what if some saint was killed for the pursuit of something as vain as love, the popular belief seems to be to follow suit and if possible even jump off the cliff in its name!! Seriously is love really that blind and are we that sightless!
Waiting eagerly for hugging the one you love or doing something special for the one you care for, are gestures that are believed to be overrated in the present day. Being drawn to that one person you so hopelessly love is looked as a sign of weakness today.  Planting a kiss on the cheeks of your special someone, without even realizing that’s what you are actually doing isn’t something that gets appreciated these days. All that hoopla about love is a myth, and if truth be told, it is not really worth the trouble more often than not. Why then the kerfuffle of this god-forsaken Valentine’s Day?

Of course for those on their maiden flight in the realms of love; everything seems perfect, adorned with twinkling lights but slowly and steadily the ghost of Valentine walks in. First it is the parents that make you question the very worth of love. However if you are lucky, or perhaps unlucky, enough to get through that phase then comes striking at you at lightning speed the harsh realities of life! The twinkling lights which once evoked feelings warmer than the hearth become dull or if said more appropriately, get blown!
The rose tinted glasses get even more breakable with each passing day and what remains is a routine; a boring lifeless schedule. A timetable where it is alright to push your loved one away or a calendar where it is acceptable to be absent from each other’s life in order to cater to more significant aspects of it! Yes that’s more or less the connotation of love that the world understands at present.

So if love loses its way eventually and forgoes its true identity; why the entire hubbub about a day to celebrate such a futile emotion? When something as simple as holding hands or talking your heart out becomes tiresome; why create a mess around by the cacophony for a needless celebration?
A long time ago love had nothing to do with being practical. But today if you don’t have the matter-of-fact attitude in love; you end up sulking in a corner of the house without the other even bothering about it! It’s simple really, if you love do it the old way or don’t fall in love at all. The romance is in the feelings and being lead by the heart and not in being mechanical about it. Don’t fall in love just for the heck of it and don’t pretend to care if you don’t! If practicality is your definition of love then it’s not love; it’s calculation! Love is not about being cantankerous or repelled by attention of your partner but about basking in the warm rays of affection! If not, well you certainly are missing out on the biggest joy in life or just superficially pretending to be part of it!
All that I need is your touch bare,
And all that I seek is a loving stare.
While life I know is hardly fair,
When you crawl away I despair.
I am human, I know I err,
But your snub unfair is too much to bear!

19 thoughts on “Woozy Cacophony of Love?”

  1. It's the season of love and everyone is busy planning special ways to make their Valentine's Day memorable. Check out personalized photo calendars & t-shirts on http://www.facebook.com/VistaprintIndia that will have your special one appreciating your thoughtfulness. And if you like our FB page, consider a Flat 25% OFF as our Valentine's gift to you.

  2. Well said Naba. Valentine's day is just a commercialization to sell things in the name of love. Love is an emotion that does not wait for a particular day of the year to be expressed, its felt every moment of one's life.

  3. first time here..you write amazingly..especially loved the poem in the end! so many emotions in just a couple of lines..beautiful! 🙂

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